Moderated by Taylor Taglianetti

Alessia Crucitelli and Andrew Levay, Agata De Santis, and Charles Vincent Sabba. The top three grant finalists for The 2022 Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum Moderated by Taylor Taglianetti, Founder and President of the National Organization of Italian Americans in Film and Television (NOIAFT).

The Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum, an initiative to fund films depicting and exploring the Italian American experience for the benefit of future generations. experience for the benefit of future generations. This exciting event was part of National Italian American Foundation’s 47th Anniversy Gala Weekend in Washington D.C.

Leaving the Factory by Alessia Crucitelli and Andrew Levay, focuses on the story of the mistreatment of Italian immigrant women factory workers, and their struggle to overcome oppression.

Rossi & Company by Agata De Santis, explores the history of the 112-year-old Italian American gift shop in NYC’s Little Italy, and the struggle its 71-year-old proprietor is having to keep its storied doors open.

Defending the Peninsula by Charles Vincent Sabba, investigates how Italian Americans in law enforcement work with Italian law enforcement to protect the artistic and cultural patrimony of Italy’s 70% share of the world’s great art.

Q&A Recording courtesy of Charles Vincent Sabba


Interview with Mikel Fair


My favorite books - Producer’s edition